Soldes 2025 - 15% dès 3 articles achetés ! Code : SOLDES2025.

Return & refund

The return of your order is accepted, provided that your request for withdrawal is made within 14 days from the date of delivery. The return costs are your responsibility.
In order for the return and refund to take place under the best conditions, please follow the procedure to follow:
  1. Write to us at with your order number and the details of the products concerned, to inform us of your request for withdrawal. From this date, you have 14 days to return the products to us (shipping date).
  2. Any returned product must be protected, in its original packaging, undamaged or soiled, and in perfect condition for resale, accompanied by any documents and instructions for use.
  3. Please enclose in your package with the product(s) in question, the number of the order concerned as well as your first and last name.
  4. Return the package to the following address:
1 craft street ZA des Boulays
49130 Sainte Gemmes sur Loire

For better traceability, the mode of transport with tracking number is recommended.